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Are Interventions Helpful For Rehab Placement?

Are Interventions Helpful For Rehab Placement?

Interventions are a helpful multi-step process, but they must be organized and facilitated by a professional and licensed addiction interventionist.

In addiction recovery, the term intervention refers to a professionally facilitated process during which the loved ones of an individual suffering from a life-threatening substance abuse disorder confront them about seeking treatment. Interventions are a multi-step process; they must always be organized and facilitated by a professional, licensed interventionist and addiction specialist. During the first phase of the intervention, the loved ones of the individual suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction will find an interventionist and call them up. Next, they will describe – in detail – why they believe an intervention is necessary. In most cases, it is recommended that interventions are planned when the loved ones feel that they have run out of other options. They likely feel that if professional help is not sought immediately, overdose (or another life-threatening, health-related concern) is inevitable.

Will An Intervention Help My Loved One Get Into Rehab?

The interventionist will then set a time and place for the intervention and set up separate times for those participating in the intervention to meet up. The process itself is very carefully planned. It is important that the individual being intervened upon never feels attacked or threatened. Rather, it is important that they feel loved and supported by all those involved. The intervention will include the loved ones explaining why they feel seeking professional treatment is necessary. They will never place blame or resort to anger but speak from a place of compassion and concern. The intervention will end with a gentle ultimatum – seek professional help or be cut off financially and otherwise.

Interventions and Accepting Professional Help

Interventions are beneficial for numerous reasons, one of the most important being rehab placement. The professional interventionist that is assigned to your family will serve many roles. One of their most crucial functions is helping you find an affordable, effective, and reputable treatment center. It is often mistakenly believed that it is the primary role of interventionists affiliated with a specific treatment center to get the individual to commit to that facility. At Absolute Awakenings, this is not the case – we believe in doing what is right for the individual, even if that means pointing them in another direction.

The interventionist will sit down with the loved ones of the individual suffering from drug addiction or alcoholism and ask them several questions. These questions might include, “What substances has your loved one been abusing, and for what length of time?” “Does your loved one suffer from any underlying mental health conditions?” “To your knowledge, has your loved one ever undergone a traumatic experience, such as physical or emotional abuse or significant accident, or has your loved one ever been to war?” These questions will help the interventionists determine which treatment will be the most clinically beneficial. For example, individuals with underlying mental health conditions benefit most from a dual diagnosis treatment center. Rehab placement is crucial to long-term sobriety, and one of the main points of professionally staged interventions is to find a suitable rehab and encourage immediate admission.

Absolute Awakenings – Comprehensive Clinical Care

At Absolute Awakenings, we understand that the first step to seeking treatment is often a professionally staged intervention. For this reason, we have interventionists on staff who can help families in need. If someone you love has been suffering at the hands of substance abuse or dependency disorder and you have become concerned about their well-being and safety, a staged intervention will likely be extremely beneficial.

If you want to learn more about the overall process and how to get started, call our treatment advisors today. They will conduct a brief pre-assessment over the phone, which will help us determine whether an intervention is the best course of action. If it is deemed to be the best course of action, we will immediately put you in touch with one of our licensed and experienced interventionists. Contact Absolute Awakenings today to get your loved one started on their addiction recovery journey.


  1. Intervention: Help a loved one overcome addiction. Mayo Clinic. Published July 20, 2017. Accessed January 17, 2023.
  2. Jahan AR, Burgess DM. Substance Use Disorder. In: StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing; 2022. Accessed January 17, 2023.
  3. Nehring SM, Freeman AM. Alcohol Use Disorder. In: StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing; 2022. Accessed January 17, 2023.
  4. Fluyau D, Charlton TE. Drug Addiction. In: StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing; 2022. Accessed January 17, 2023.
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