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The Fear of Going to Drug Rehab

The Fear of Going to Drug Rehab

Many people fear going to rehab because they fear the unknown and unexpected. However, finding the courage to accept help and enter a treatment program is a brave act that should be encouraged and celebrated.

Major life changes are scary. Whether changing career paths, moving to a new city, or committing to a major purchase like a car or a house, there is a certain amount of fear in the unknown. As human beings, it is in our nature to want to know what will happen next. We like to stay informed at all times – we generally like to be in control. Because of this, you are deciding to go to drug rehab can be both terrifying and overwhelming. If you have been abusing chemical substances for an extended period, you have probably gotten used to your daily routine. Wake up, obtain your drug of choice, use your drug of choice, and chase the high until you fall asleep. Wake up, start drinking, continue drinking throughout the day, and either pass out drunk or blackout by late afternoon.

Courage to Complete a Treatment Program

As strange as it might seem to those who have not struggled at the hands of a substance abuse disorder, a certain amount of comfort comes with knowing exactly how your days will pan out – even if you are completely miserable. Committing to drug rehab means entering the unknown and living an entirely new way of life. Because addiction is a disease of denial, you might convince yourself that you refuse treatment because you’re afraid to commit to sobriety but because you don’t need such a high level of professional care. Maybe you’ve convinced yourself that things aren’t that bad. While it is true that things can almost always be worse if you take an honest and searching look at yourself and your current circumstances, can you sincerely say that you’re in a good spot? If the answer is “no,” drug rehab is the logical next step. But how do you combat the fear of making such a major change?

Fear and Addiction Recovery

It is commonly said that fear is the absence of faith. Fear is a normal emotion to experience when entering into drug rehab – and it is nothing to be ashamed of. It makes complete sense for individuals entering into rehab to question their decision. What if drug rehab doesn’t work for me? What if I relapse? What if I don’t like living a sober life? The “what ifs” are common, and experiencing a certain level of trepidation and insecurity is to be expected. Committing to recovery is a major change. It can be difficult to understand an experience unless you have lived through it yourself, but there are several steps you can take to make committing to recovery easier.

  1. Ask others who are in recovery about their personal experiences. Seek out alums of the program you are planning on attending, or go to a local Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and stay afterward to speak to others who have completed drug rehab. Hearing firsthand experiences does a lot to combat fear and put your mind at ease.
  2. Speak with an addiction specialist about what to expect. At Absolute Awakenings, our team of compassionate and dedicated professionals stands by to answer any and every question you may have. So if you are feeling uncertain, give us a call. We will help alleviate fears by telling you exactly what to expect from addiction recovery.
  3. Make a pros and cons list. Writing out the pros and cons of drug rehab is a good idea if you are feeling apprehensive or fearful. What is the worst that could happen?
  4. Consider the possibilities that you will have once you commit to recovery. Another thing to consider is how much drug rehab can improve your lifestyle to set and obtain personal goals, you will be able to mend broken interpersonal relationships… you will become the amazing, capable person you have always been underneath. Imagine living up to your full potential. Living a life free from chemical substances will allow you to do just that.
  5. Set up a solid plan of action. Having a plan is a great way to combat fear. Once you commit to addiction recovery, find a medical detox and an inpatient drug rehab that will cater to your needs. You don’t have to do this alone – give us a call anytime, and we will help you develop a strategy. We can help with every single detail, from travel plans to aftercare.

Absolute Awakenings offers a comprehensive treatment program to those struggling with substance abuse and addiction. For more information, give us a call today.


  1. Jahan AR, Burgess DM. Substance Use Disorder. In: StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing; 2022. Accessed January 22, 2023. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK570642/
  2. Guenzel N, McChargue D. Addiction Relapse Prevention. In: StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing; 2022. Accessed January 22, 2023. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551500/
  3. Diaper AM, Law FD, Melichar JK. Pharmacological strategies for detoxification. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2014;77(2):302-314. doi:10.1111/bcp.12245
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About the Author

Picture of Amanda Stevens, B.S.

Amanda Stevens, B.S.

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