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Outpatient Alcoholism Rehab Programs Near Me

Outpatient Alcoholism Rehab Programs Near Me

Outpatient alcoholism rehab programs help people overcome their issues with alcohol and learn how to recognize and prevent any triggers that could lead to a potential relapse.

For some people, inpatient rehab programs aren’t a good option. Outpatient alcohol rehab programs are an effective way to treat alcoholism. Individuals can get help for their alcoholism, still work, and fulfill their daily family responsibilities and obligations.

Outpatient alcoholism rehab programs help people overcome their issues with alcohol and also learn how to recognize and prevent any triggers. Most outpatient programs meet every day for the first several weeks or maybe even months. Once an individual becomes more stable and gets further in treatment, that usually lessens.

According to an article put out by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism:

Patients who enroll in long-term outpatient rehabilitation treatment following detoxification in an outpatient setting may benefit by attending the same treatment facility for both phases of treatment. Most outpatients experience greater social support than inpatients, with the exception of outpatients in especially adverse family circumstances or job situations. Outpatients can continue to function relatively normally and maintain employment as well as family and social relationships. Compared with inpatients, those patients in outpatient treatment retain greater freedom, continue to work and maintain day-to-day activities with fewer disruptions, and incur fewer treatment costs. (NIAAA)

There are different types of outpatient alcohol rehab programs near me available. Intensive outpatient, day treatment, and continuing care groups are three main types. Day treatment programs usually meet five to seven days a week, are more structured, and involve medication detox, counseling, support groups, and other therapy. Intensive outpatient programs are more flexible. They start meeting several days a week, which lessens as goals are met. Intensive outpatient programs allow an individual to meet with treatment providers and learn how to manage triggers to avoid relapses.

Group meetings are also an essential part of outpatient alcohol rehab near me. Continuing care groups are usually the last step in the recovery process. They usually meet once or twice a week to help individuals maintain their sobriety and discuss any accomplishments or challenges they may face.

Benefits of Outpatient Alcoholism Rehab Programs

Outpatient programs have become increasingly popular due to the flexibility they offer. There are several benefits of finding outpatient alcohol rehab programs near me:

  • Minimal disruptions to regular daily life
  • A balance between rehab, work, and home
  • Cost less than inpatient rehab
  • Closer to home and an individual’s support system
  • Friends and family can attend counseling sessions with you
  • Chance to practice what you learn in real-life situations

One disadvantage of going to an outpatient program for alcoholism is being able to treat alcohol withdrawal symptoms, which can be tricky without having 24-hour care from medical professionals.

Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Centers Near Me

Sometimes outpatient alcohol rehab centers near me are the only way a person feels comfortable getting treatment; any treatment is better than no treatment. The best way to find local outpatient alcohol rehab programs is to see a primary care physician and ask for referrals or do an online search.

Solution-Focused Treatment for Alcoholism

If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction or alcoholism, our specialists are available around the clock to assist you. Absolute Awakenings follows an evidence-based approach to treating substance abuse disorders. We are committed to providing long-term recovery for those struggling with drug addiction and alcoholism problems. Recovery is not a one-size-fits-all approach, so every person that walks through our doors is provided with a unique and individualized experience. Our recovery specialists are waiting to assist you.


  1. Nehring SM, Freeman AM. Alcohol Use Disorder. In: StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing; 2022. Accessed January 16, 2023.
  2. Hayashida. An Overview of Outpatient and Inpatient Detoxification – PMC. Published 1998. Accessed January 16, 2023.
  3. Kattimani S, Bharadwaj B. Clinical management of alcohol withdrawal: A systematic review. Ind Psychiatry J. 2013;22(2):100-108. doi:10.4103/0972-6748.132914
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