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Dangers of Buying Drugs in the Hood

Dangers of Buying Drugs in the Hood

When it comes to buying drugs in a dangerous neighborhood, risks increase significantly. It is also more likely for drugs purchased in bad neighborhoods to be cut with impurities, leading to an overdose.

When someone refers to “the hood,” they generally refer to a bad neighborhood or an unsafe part of town. “Hood” is a slang word commonly used by those referring to illicit drug deals – because illicit drug deals very frequently happen in less-than-savory neighborhoods. There is no safe or appropriate place to go when buying drugs. Buying drugs is never a good idea, whether you are buying from a friend, a classmate, or a dealer.

When it comes to buying drugs in a dangerous neighborhood, risks increase significantly. Dangerous neighborhoods tend to have less police activity – of course, if you are planning on purchasing an illicit chemical substance, this might seem like a good thing. Why would you want the cops around? Because in dangerous neighborhoods, there is also more violence, gang activity, and opportunities for a drug deal to go wrong. If there are no law enforcement officers around, you will have no one to call for help when things go south.

Dangers of the Drugs Themselves

It is also far more likely for drugs purchased in bad neighborhoods to be cut with something impure. Many drug dealers will say they are selling one substance, but in actuality, they will either sell a less pure version of that substance or a different one entirely. For example, cocaine dealers will frequently cut pure cocaine with harmful chemical additives, like bath salts or methamphetamine.

This potent chemical combination will result in a set of side effects different from the side effects associated with cocaine. However, the dealer will still sell the substance under the guise of cocaine to increase their sales. In addition, some dealers will cut drugs with basic household items – items that can be dangerous when ingested. For example, cocaine dealers have also cut their “product” with baking soda, powdered dish soap, or cornstarch. Corn starch is not dangerous to ingest – but snorting cornstarch can be life-threatening.

The Hood – Then and Now

In the 80s and 90s, buying and selling illicit substances was typically carried out in unsafe places. Think dark alleyways, empty parking lots, or abandoned buildings. A shady man in a dark jacket would meet you somewhere private, and you would grab the goods and be on your way. Nowadays, with the rise of substance abuse and addiction throughout the US, buying drugs is about as simple as going out for ice cream. Drug dealers are not just shady characters hiding in dark corners and wearing trench coats.

Drug dealers can be high school students, soccer moms, or engineers. Anyone with a prescription can sell their medication and be considered a dealer; anyone with a grow room can sell pot to their friends and be considered a dealer. Drug deals used to be limited to the hood. Now they happen in nearly every neighborhood across the US, from upscale neighborhoods in wealthy communities to what some might refer to as the “ghetto.”

If you or someone you know has been struggling with drug addiction and purchasing from any source – no matter how reliable it might seem – it is crucial that professional help is sought as soon as possible. We at Absolute Awakenings provide men and women of all ages and backgrounds with the resources they need to get and stay sober. So please feel free to give us a call today to learn more about our recovery program or to speak with one of our admissions counselors about getting started on your path of recovery today.


  1. Definition of HOOD. Accessed January 18, 2023.
  2. Kudlacek O, Hofmaier T, Luf A, et al. Cocaine adulteration. J Chem Neuroanat. 2017;83-84:75-81. doi:10.1016/j.jchemneu.2017.06.001
  3. Yasaei R, Saadabadi A. Methamphetamine. In: StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing; 2022. Accessed January 18, 2023.
  4. Stromps JP, Demir E, Pallua N. High-pressure cornstarch inhalation–a rare but life-threatening occupational injury. Inhal Toxicol. 2010;22(9):767-769. doi:10.3109/08958371003762890
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