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What Are Some Positive Affirmations For Anxiety?

Some positive affirmations for anxiety include:

  • I am grateful for my strengths and capabilities
  • I am resilient and can overcome any obstacle
  • I am capable of making a positive impact
  • I am loved just as I am
  • I am capable of communicating my needs and wishes

What Is A Positive Affirmation?

Positive self-talk or positive affirmations are phrases and concepts used to restore more desirable thinking, preparation, and response patterns in the face of a potential threat to our self-competence or worth. This method of reorientation can restore self-competence and help you to reflect on positive sources of your self-worth.[1] Practicing self-affirmations may help broaden your overall perspective on life and yourself and is successful at reducing the effects of negative emotions.

How Do Positive Affirmations For Anxiety Work?

More than just “self-talk,” there is science behind this anxiety and depression intervention. Positive affirmations allow you to increase their focus on positive value sources such as core values, personal successes, and past achievements.

This thinking pattern may activate neurological pathways associated with rewards and positivity. In addition, engaging in positive self-affirmations may help to preserve other psychological resources in order to face the presenting threat, real or perceived.[2]

What Are The Characteristics Of A Positive Affirmation?

In order for a phrase to truly qualify as a positive affirmation, it must stick to the following framework.

It Must Be A Positive Statement

Officially, self-affirmation aims to help you understand that you are “competent, good, coherent, unitary, stable, capable of free choice, capable of controlling important outcomes.”[3]

Don’t use negative words, feelings, or ideas, and avoid phrases related to things you don’t want to do. For example, “I won’t be anxious” or “I choose not to lose control” are not technically positive affirmations. Instead, try “I am free from anxiety” and “I am in control.”

It Must Be Stated In The First Person

This is about your unique journey and what you face on a daily basis. Affirmations must be stated in the first person, referring to “Me, I, etc.”.

It Must Be Declared In The Present Tense

A positive affirmation must be presented as if it’s already in motion or has already been achieved. “I was brave” doesn’t apply and isn’t going to help, but try “I have done this before, and I can do it again.”

It Must Be Personal To You

Positive affirmations is likely enhanced if they are personally relevant to the individual.. The same affirmations that are effective in one scenario may not be helpful in another. It’s important to learn, write down, and refer to affirmations that are personally relevant to you and the obstacles you face.

It Must Be Realistic

“I can fly” is not a realistic statement and, therefore, would not serve as an effective positive affirmation.. However, “I am brave,” “I can face anything in my path,” or “I am resilient and can overcome anything” would be more appropriate.

Do Positive Affirmations Really Work?

Yes, evidence suggests that positive affirmations can have a positive impact on self-compassion and self-empowerment for some, but the results vary. One study suggested that positive self-affirmation can increase feelings of self-compassion, which in turn promotes positive social behavior and collaboration.[4]

There have been multiple studies into the use and effectiveness of self-affirmation. One team of researchers determined that the underlying effects of positive affirmations depend on the context of each individual circumstance, and there is no uniform approach for everyone.[5]

The researchers concluded that self-affirmations may help counterbalance feelings of powerlessness and potentially lead to improved performance, depending on individual circumstances.[6] Ultimately, their conclusion was that affirmations successfully limit the adverse effects of feeling powerless by promoting a more powerful view of self.

Symptoms Of Anxiety

A person appears stressed or anxious, with a blurred motion effect around the head suggesting movement or mental turmoil.

Without effective and individual-focused treatment, anxiety symptoms can worsen and develop into a serious mental health concern. Some symptoms include:

  • Negative thoughts
  • Constant nervousness
  • Sweaty palms
  • Headaches
  • Stomachaches
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Rapid breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Panic attacks
  • Avoiding certain situations, hobbies, or friends
  • Self-harm
  • Sleep disruption

Treatment For Anxiety

The human experience of today is unlike any previous generation. It’s important that anxiety treatment be tailored to address the specific challenges we face in our daily lives. Individualized treatment plans must be carefully designed to ensure your needs are addressed on a holistic level.

Mental health outpatient programs offer individual therapy, group therapy, and psychiatric interventions for comprehensive care. Effective treatment should also be backed by academic support to ensure they don’t fall behind in their studies while attending treatment.

40 Positive Affirmations For Anxiety

  • I am calm, strong, and brave
  • I am safe
  • I am capable
  • I have the capacity to overcome my anxiety
  • I am loved and supported
  • I am in control of my thoughts and feelings
  • I am courageous
  • I trust myself to handle any circumstance
  • I am confident that I can make the right choice
  • I deserve self-care
  • I am full of positive energy
  • I have done this before, and I can do it again
  • I am accepting of my surroundings
  • I am grateful for my strengths and capabilities
  • I am resilient and can overcome any obstacle
  • I am capable of making a positive impact
  • I am loved just as I am
  • I am capable of communicating my needs and wishes
  • I am free from stress
  • I am free from anxiety
  • I am worthy of experiencing joy
  • I am worthy of love and respect from others
  • I am capable of living as my authentic self
  • I am able to achieve my goals
  • I am free to pursue my dreams
  • I am content with the peace that comes with stillness
  • I am surrounded by love and positivity
  • I am surrounded by the beauty of nature
  • I am grateful for my trusted circle of friends and mentors
  • I am equipped to find the solutions I need
  • I am equipped to achieve balance in my life
  • I am grateful to live in the moment
  • I am grateful for all the little things
  • I am free to create the future I desire
  • I release negative thoughts
  • I am in control of my emotions
  • I release negative emotions that don’t serve me
  • I am equipped to overcome my fears
  • My body is relaxed
  • My mind is calm

Put These Positive Affirmations For Anxiety To Good Use

Implement these positive affirmations for anxiety in your daily routine and start feeling better, thinking better, and living better. If you’d like an individualized approach to treating and overcoming anxiety, we can help. Contact Absolute Awakenings today, and let’s pursue your awakening together.

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