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Complex PTSD Treatment Center in New Jersey

The Beginning of A New Journey – Learn To Heal and Overcome Debilitating Trauma at Absolute Awakenings

Trauma Can Be Overcome. Start Here.

It’s a lonely road to walk when loved ones just don’t seem to understand your past. The isolation you feel today may make you long for the days where life was easier. Simpler. Don’t lose hope.

At Absolute Awakenings we care about your well-being. Our holistic approach to PTSD-treatment emphasizes the mental health treatment of the mind, body, and spirit. We walk with you through treatment, using evidence-based therapeutic interventions for wellness.

Our PTSD treatment center in New Jersey is world class. We’re here for you every step of the way.

What Is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

People who have gone through or observed a traumatic incident, such as a natural disaster, a catastrophic accident, a terrorist attack, battle, or rape, or who have been threatened with death, sexual assault, or significant injury, may develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a psychiatric disease.

PTSD makes people avoid situations, locations, surroundings, and other triggers that bring back memories of prior terrible occurrences. This condition is common among veterans, survivors of domestic violence, first responders, and persons who have dealt with catastrophic injuries. PTSD may lead to other severe mental health issues and mood disorders if left untreated.

12 million adults in the U.S. will experience PTSD in a given year [1].For those who are affected by PTSD, their lives may become upended. PTSD has the power to change relationship dynamics as well as the ability to focus as trauma may unnerve behavior.

Changes in routine or new habits may form as a result of a distressing event. It’s important to remember when suffering from PTSD, it may feel like walking a tightrope when avoiding situations that trigger an episode.

Seeking help through ptsd residential treatment aids individuals to express their perspective and feelings around what happened to them. Then using individualized therapies, help them to accept and move on from what happened.

Risk Factors For PTSD

If you or someone close to you has undergone an extremely stressful event, there is a risk for experiencing PTSD.

Some factors that put a person at risk of PTSD include:

  • Exposure to war or combat
  • Physical Assault
  • Witnessing a terrorist attack
  • Sexual Violence
  • Childhood abuse
  • Being a victim of stalking
  • Family history of PTSD or depression
  • Lack of emotional or social support
  • Ongoing stress

PTSD is more likely to develop if the following conditions surrounded the traumatic event:

  • It was unexpected
  • It went on for a long while
  • Was caused by other people
  • Resulted in many deaths
  • Involves children
  • Includes a perceived threat to yours or a loved one’s life

PTSD can linger for years or only a few months in some people. Others may experience PTSD as a chronic, lifelong behavioral health disorder. Due to the severity of the situation and response to traumatic events, treatment is often necessary for relief. There are even complex PTSD treatment centers that take on cases of extreme distress to help get back a sense of normalcy.

The best PTSD treatment centers will build a customized plan of action through holistic means combined with medication.

How To Identity PTSD

PTSD may be identified by observing the behavior or the person suspected of experiencing this traumatic disorder. There are some common symptoms and signs and symptoms to watch out for after one experiences an especially troubling event. They include:

  • Intense emotions about a particular event that overwhelm you
  • Reliving the event through nightmares or flashbacks
  • Disassociation from your life
  • Avoidance of people or certain places
  • Negative self perception
  • Irritability or shame
  • Issues with focus
  • Paranoia
  • Self destructive behavior
  • Anti-social behavior
  • Substance abuse

If you are experiencing the above symptoms of PTSD, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. PTSD is often diagnosed by a medical professional by asking a series of questions about the event, life before and after the event, and your feelings about what happened.

Why Is PTSD Treatment Important?: Absolute Awakenings

Why Is PTSD Treatment Important?

PTSD has the ability to encourage substance abuse and damage relationships, careers, and self esteem. It can take over someone’s entire personality, leaving them drained of energy and happiness. Fortunately, PTSD treatment is an option.

Entering into treatment for PTSD helps individuals struggling with it to go back to baseline and recoup from there. Compassionate caretakers help to make sense of the past, and accept it as a piece of your life that is behind you. At treatment, you learn coping skills for the long term and how to reconnect with your friends, family, and hobbies in a positive manner. Treatment restores hope for the future and unchains you from a traumatic and defining moment in your life.

How Is PTSD Treated At The Absolute Awakenings Complex PTSD Treatment Center?

Those who experience PTSD from traumatic experiences frequently struggle with agonizing memories, unsettling dreams, and abrupt mood swings. PTSD may be confused with a personality disorder on the outside. Many turn to drugs or alcohol as a kind of self-medication because they lack the tools necessary for controlling their symptoms and reducing their mental and emotional stress. As a result, PTSD frequently co-occurs with addiction to drugs or alcohol in people who experience it.

Our dual illness program at Absolute Awakenings addresses both addiction and PTSD simultaneously. On our campus, we offer a variety of modalities to treat PTSD. Our dual diagnosis care reduces the possibility of recurrence in addiction recovery while also assisting patients in leading healthy, stable, and happy lives. We also focus on PTSD as its own issue if a client does not have an accompanying addiction.


Psychotherapy, also known as “talk therapy,” comprises techniques like dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), exposure therapy, motivational interviewing (MI), and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) .

The primary goals of CBT include cognitive restructuring and assisting clients in recognizing and altering harmful thought patterns.DBT is a variation of CBT that shares many of the same strategies and advantages. DBT, however, also pushes patients to accept and validate the trauma that gave rise to their distressing feelings.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Clients receiving CBT employ a variety of methods to recognize, monitor, and comprehend unfavorable thoughts. After that, they are urged to deliberately change or redirect this way of thinking in order to make their situations and attitudes better. Additionally, CBT enables patients to recognize the link between unfavorable thoughts and uncomfortable feelings.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

In DBT, individuals learn how to actively pay attention to their body and put preventive, proactive measures in place to lessen emotional distress. The self-soothing, diversion, and situational improvement components of DBT for PTSD are emphasized.


PTSD treatment frequently includes the use of pharmaceuticals, such as mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and anti-anxiety drugs. The kind and degree of an individual’s symptoms, the degree of trauma endured, and the chance that PTSD will remain or develop into a chronic condition may determine whether or not one or more medications are included in the long-term management strategy for this illness.

PTSD Treatment FAQs

What is the Best Treatment for PTSD?

The best treatment for PTSD combines cognitive therapy along with dialectical behavior therapy. Together they work to help you face situations and memories to learn coping mechanisms that combat flashbacks or negative feelings around the event. You may benefit from group therapy to hear stories from those who have experienced similar trauma.

Can you treat PTSD at home?

PTSD can be treated at home if you have a strong support system and attend therapy alongside other therapy forms like meditation or art. It is not recommended to face this struggle on your own.

Can PTSD be cured?

There is no known treatment straight cure for PTSD, although the symptoms can be successfully controlled to allow you to resume normal functioning. Combining medication and intense behavioral health therapy are the best treatment options for PTSD.

Overcome The Past And Design Your Future At One Of The Premier Complex PTSD Treatment Centers Available

When you go through a traumatic life event, you feel alone. That your experience will forever define you. It doesn’t have to be this way. Absolute Awakenings is one of the best ptsd treatment centers here to help you overcome this disorder and rediscover who you were before. Call us today to get started.

Yes, You Can Get Your Life Back. Call Absolute Awakenings Today.

With our trained and compassionate professionals in your corner, freedom can be yours. All it takes is you choose yourself. Choosing a better tomorrow.

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